Smart Geometries just finished this weekend. I will upload some images and videos of the cluster I helped run, Form Follows Flow.Until then here is the video we showed as our cluster update during the confrence. Since the video was played while our cluster champion talked there is not much text in it. It shows some of the digital simulations we did in Vasari then the model testing in the subsonic wind tunnel at RPI. We were very lucky to be able to use the tunnel. There are strict regulations on the type and strength of models that can be tested. Usually you cannot see the wind flows with the naked eye, so helium bubbles are dropped into the flow. That is what creates the white streaking around the model. The models were powered by a cam and axle system connected to one high torque servo each. For data collection they have an accelerometer on the top and multiple tubes connected for pressure measurements. The models and sensors are controlled via an arduino microprocessor (except for the pressure senors).
Form Follows Flow Cluster
Subsonic Wind Tunnel Testing